I often see people either expressing hatred or criticizing such behavior for being destructive and harmful. I rarely see someone acknowledging that hating often feels pretty damn good.

Fucking idiots! Fucking libtards! Fucking Trump! Fucking immigrants! Fucking cops! Fucking protesters! Fucking meat-eaters! Fucking vegans! Fucking humans, we fucked up the planet! Fucking planet, I want to move to a different one! Fucking this and fucking that, and also that thing over there too! Fucking literally everything!

Just find a target and release your hatred. Yell. Point fingers. Feel energized and empowered. Feel great.

I won’t argue that hate is indeed destructive and harmful. What I disagree with is the idea that people hate only because they actually want to primarily hurt others. In many cases, I think, it’s actually about enjoying the rush. Hate is similar to a substance that is abused because it brings short-term enjoyment, while it destroys the mind in the long term.

It’s also our defense mechanism, which can save at times of extreme danger. So it’s not surprising to see it being used in situations that make people feel powerless and repressed. When your world feels bleak and hopeless, a hit of feel-good hate won’t hurt you any further, right? Except for it seems to have become a global addiction, because getting that hit is now as easy as writing a comment online. At the price of hurting real people and making the world even bleaker for everyone. Which keeps the hate loop going and spreading further.