Hi there!

I was about 10 years old when I decided to start writing various thoughts and observations. I had a paper notebook where I would write about stuff like how I felt we humans have two modes of thinking. One was more fuzzy and creative, while the other one more logical and verbal. Much later I learned that the gut feeling I had actually wasn’t that far from how thinking responsibilities seem to be roughly divided between brain hemispheres.

Why was I writing about such things? It just felt natural: both to think about them and to try to verbalize my knowledge somehow. I didn’t think about other people reading it. Rather, I felt the urge to relieve my mind from remembering things that I found interesting and didn’t want to forget. To free up space for other interesting discoveries.

Growing up, I made several attemps at sharing my thoughts online. All of them were eventually abandoned. With this blog, I’m trying to do that once again, and maybe skip the abandon part for now. I’m also hoping that my writing might be interesting to others. However, my end goal is not to convince anyone in anything. Instead, I’m curious about how reality works and prefer to change my mind to reflect that rather than harbor delusions.

At this time, I don’t want to reveal my name or personal details publicly. I think it’s a nice way to prevent biases and judgements from affecting the perception of the texts I write. Nevertheless, I’m open to talking — feel free to write me on Twitter, Facebook or send me an email.